Note occasionally some cars will need additional tuning. The X4 flash tuner can read fault codes, you can data log engine and speed values as you drive, one of the great functions is the owner can change fuel, spark, rev, idle, boost and a hole heap of other values with out ever visiting a dyno shop. No other single product on the market is capable of giving you the gains archived by the X4 device, once connected to the vehicle the owner can also change a hole load of functions. The tunes loaded into you new X4 device were developed in house on our dyno. At Intune Motorsport we use the advantage three software to make and load tunes into your flash tuner. The X4 is the latest version of the flash tuner.

The revised tune files can make a massive difference in power and MPG. The Ford flash tuner is a device that allow the transfer of data or tune file to and from your late model Ford. The Ford Flash tuner is manufactured in the USA.